How to make more time to read
7 that will help you read more
Book: Breaking Intimidation: Say “No” Without Feeling Guilty. Be Secure Without the Approval of Man

If you have been following me for a while now then you know that I LOVE to read books. I’ve always had a passion for reading books since I was a child, but as I grew older and gained more responsibilities, reading became secondary…more like thirdly in my life. College and work took so much of my time, and any other time I had after that was dedicated to family, friends, and the gym lol. There was no way I could incorporate reading into my schedule… or so I thought.

Once I graduated from college, my desire to read grew even more, but I still had that “I don’t have enough time to read” mentality. It wasn’t until I finished my first book (post-grad) in 4 days that I realized that I could incorporate reading into my schedule. Before, I thought I was way too busy to sit down and read a book, but the reality is, I was not TOO BUSY; I just wasn’t being intentional about reading. So after I successfully finished reading this book, I decided to implement the necessary steps I needed to be more consistent in reading. Not only did these steps/tips help me read more, but they also helped me establish other essential habits into my daily routine. Below I listed the 7 tips that I currently use to help me read more and remain consistent in it. I hope these tips are insightful and encourage you to read more.


In order to find more time to read, you have to actually incorporate it into your schedule. I recommend blocking out 20 -30 minutes a day to read. Once you have developed a consistent routine, you can increase your reading time to 1 hour or more a day. Just make sure you are intentional about adding reading into your schedule. You may think it’s impossible because of all the things you have on your plate, but if you are intentional about reading, it will soon become another normal activity you do on a daily basis.


How many times have you gone to the hair salon, airport, or doctor’s office and have had to wait? What do you usually do while waiting at these places? I’m sure most of you said “get on my phone” right? Well instead of taking out your phone and scrolling endlessly through social media, why don’t you crack open a book to read? In the busy world we live in today, it is important to maximize every second you get. I believe that if you take a book everywhere with you, it will not only force you to read more, but it will also help you establish good habits. I personally take a book with me everywhere I go. I never know when I may have to wait for something or someone, so I always try to be prepared and not sorry. There is nothing wrong with getting on your phone while waiting, but if you allocate the same amount of time you spend on your phone reading a book, do you know how many chapters/pages you could knock out? Like I said earlier, you have to be intentional at the end of the day.


Guess what? If you do not like to physically buy books or carry them around, there are now digital reading apps, like audible, that allow you to listen to books via your smartphone/tablet. You can listen to these books while working out,  while in the car, or even while cooking. Not to mention, you don’t have to worry about carrying a book around because everything is literally on your digital device. Books are readily available to you everywhere and in every way, so stop making excuses and just start reading today! Remember, WE HAVE TO BE INTENTIONAL!


Replacing your phone with a book before going to bed is a great way to calm your spirit right before knocking out. It is also proven to give you a good night’s rest. I recommend you decrease screen time 30 minutes-1  hour before bed (this is something I’m still working on). Replace this time by reading a light-hearted book ( you don’t want to have scary dreams or stress about how to be successful right before sleep). Don’t read anything too heavy or that will cause you anxiety. Read something that will help you unwind, reduce stress, and think about the goodness of Jesus of course 🙂


If you want to read more, you definitely have to do this. Just like you can’t study for or take an exam in a distracting environment, you also can not read and retain what you are reading in a distracting environment. If you have a big family like me and find it hard to read at home, then find times during the day where most of your family is out or asleep. For example, I like to wake up really early in the morning to pray. After that, I’ll read my book for about 30 minutes to 1 hour or even more depending on how bomb the book is. Reading early in the morning is perfect for me because everyone is usually still asleep, so I don’t have to worry about being distracted or hearing excessive noise. I also like to read at night because it’s peaceful, quiet, and it helps me sleep better, as I mentioned earlier.


Having a reading partner has not only helped me read more, but it has also increased my desire to read. I think finding a friend that you can talk to about the books you are reading is a great way to stay motivated to read. This partner does not have to be reading the same book as you, you just both have to love books. Additionally, you and your reading partner do not have to check-in with each other every day. My reading partner and I check-in every 2 weeks or so, and it works great for us. You and your partner just have to find a day and time that works for both of you.


This might sound crazy but once I started buying more books and displaying them on my mini bookshelf, I instantly began to read more. I think this had a lot to do with the fact that I hate buying things and not using them ( I don’t play about my money). No one, including me, likes to spend money on clothes, food, and drinks and allow them to waste. So when it comes to reading, I have this same mentality: The more books I buy, the more likely I am to read them. Try this tip and let me know how it goes. I think it will motivate you to read a lot!

Anyways, that is all the tips I have for you today. I hope you found this post helpful. I also hope that you start making more time to read starting TODAY(#NOEXCUSES )! Also, if you are looking for some bomb books to read this summer, be sure to check out my post “5 books every Christian should read in 2020.” Have a blessed day family!


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Chantal

    This post is sooooo helpful Joyce. I struggle with reading but it’s a habit I’m desperately trying to incorporate in my life right now. I love all the tips!

    1. Joyce Chekwa

      Thank you so much, Chantal! I know that with time reading will soon become apart of your daily routine. Also, thank you for all your comments and continued support. I appreciate you sooo much!!!

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