Now that we are in a new season and people are revamping their wardrobes, I thought I would share with you how you can save money when you love to shop.

People often think I buy clothes every week and spend thousands of dollars on them, but the truth is I am just an intentional shopper who has found ways to save and make money on clothes. Sometimes shopping can be expensive, but if you use the tips I mention below you will not only save yourself money but also be a smarter shopper.


I already have a detailed blog post dedicated to Rakuten you can check out HERE, but to keep things short and simple, Rakuten is basically a FREE service that allows you to earn money while shopping online. Rakuten allows you to go shopping on a website that you love, and then gives you cashback for doing it. Rakuten currently has over 12 million U.S members who have earned over 1 billion in cashback (yes I said 1 BILLION).

Every store you can think of is on Rakuten and it is super easy to use with no hidden fees. They don’t ask for your credit card information or banking information. All they want is your address so that they can send you your earnings through a check in the mail. If you love to shop online like me, consider using Rakuten. To learn more about how I use Rakuten and about how you can earn MONEY, check out my blog post HERE. You can also use my referral link to earn your first $30 NOW!


One way I like to make extra money on the side is by selling my old clothes or clothes I no longer wear/like. I started off using selling apps like Poshmark, but I soon realized that these apps take a lot of time, effort, and patience. You have to be really consistent and active with other people on the app in order to find customers to buy your clothes.

Poshmark also takes a percentage of what you earn. Not to mention, it could take weeks, months, or even years before you find a customer. I don’t know about you, but once I clean out my closet, I like to get rid of my clothes ASAP. I hate having bags of clothes sitting around.

So after I realized that Poshmark was too much work, I started selling my clothes at Plato’s Closet. Plato’s Closet is a store that buys and sells new/gently used clothes, shoes, and accessories. On average they give you about 30-40% of the original cost of the item. They do this because they sell your clothes for about 60-80% to make a profit.

I like selling my clothes at Plato’s Closet because I always (about 90% of the time) leave with cash in my hands. There is definitely a secret to getting more money with Plato’s Closet, and if you are interested, I will talk all about it in a future blog post.

Another option is to sell your clothes on Instagram, Facebook, or even on your blog. I’m actually thinking about doing that soon so let me know if this is something you would be interested in 🙂


If you have been following me for a long time, then you know I am a really big sales girl. I hate paying full price for clothes, and I will always find a way to get a discount. One thing that has helped save hundreds if not thousands of dollars is to learn my favorite store’s major sales schedule. Stores always have sales here and there but there is always a time where your favorite store will have a 60-80% off everything sale. These are the sales you want to look out for, and if you are worried about your favorite items selling out before these sales, remember that stores usually do a major restock before a big sale.

For example, I know Zara always has a major sale for every season, and they always restock their items before doing it. Learn your favorite store’s sales schedule; this will save you so much money.


How many times have you seen a bomb fit and think this will be so cute for a wedding or a girls trip, but you have not been invited to a wedding and you have no girls trip planned? This is one thing I had to learn the hard way. Buying things just because they look like something you can wear in the future is how companies get you to spend your coins. It is also how you end up with soo many clothes in your closet that you don’t wear. You have to learn to shop for events as they come, and even then, make sure they are outfits you don’t mind wearing over and over again. Buying for your future self is a TRAP! I repeat, “BUYING FOR YOUR FUTURE SELF IS A TRAP!”

I hope these tips were helpful. Let me know which one you plan to implement. I hope you have a blessed day!

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