I personally like to wake up sometime between 3 a.m and 6 a.m to pray. I don’t know if it’s just me, but waking up around this time makes me feel so powerful. Not to mention, waking up before the sun comes out is actually scriptural. The Bible says in Mark 1:35 “ Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” So you see, even Jesus woke early to pray. Furthermore, this scripture shows us how important and powerful it is to pray before the sun comes out. I personally love how quiet and peaceful it is between 3 am- 6 am. Most of the world is asleep and your friends and family are also probably sleeping, so it gives you an opportunity to spend uninterrupted time with God.


I like to set aside at least 1 hour (outside of morning and evening prayer) to spend with God. Setting aside this special time with God allows me to be more intimate with him. It also allows me to focus on him, and it gives me an opportunity to actually read his word.

When I wake up in the morning to pray, I usually don’t crack open my Bible and thoroughly read through it. If anything, I will read my devotion for the day and then immediately begin to pray. I was doing this for years until I realized that I don’t really read the Bible, and this is a problem because the Bible is God’s word, and If I don’t know God’s word then I don’t know his character and therefore do not truly know God himself. Setting aside a special time outside of morning and evening prayer has allowed me to really spend time in his word. At first, it was hard to do, but as time went on, it became natural. Also, I don’t always read the word during my special time with God. Sometimes I watch a sermon or write in my journal or just sit still in his presence. It all depends on how the spirit leads me. You have to figure out what God wants you to do during your special time with him. Also, I know someone may ask “if you don’t read the word during your special time with God some days then when do you make time to read it?” Well, I usually do it before I go to bed, which is great because it helps me meditate on his word before falling asleep. At the end of the day, It’s all about being intentional about making God a priority.


I’ve been journaling for about 3-4 years now. I literally journal about EVERYTHING. I write about dreams the Lord has told me, I write down visions and signs he has given me, I write when I can’t muster up words to physically talk to him, and I write down my goals and aspirations and present them to him (This is actually scriptural Habbkuk 2:2). If you’re in a funk and don’t really know what to do or don’t feel like praying out loud to God, write it down and present it to him. Tell him how you are feeling at the moment. Tell him about your day and struggles. Tell him what you need help with. Be vulnerable with your heavenly father. No matter what you do, NEVER stop talking to God. The minute you distance yourself from him is the minute you allow the enemy to come in and take precedence in your heart. Very soon I will do a post about how journaling changed my life. This played a huge role in my walk with Christ.


I currently attend a Bible study called Kings Bride 1-2 times a month. I love this Bible study group because it’s a bunch of young people who love God and are trying to figure it out along the way. At this Bible study, we go around and talk about things that maybe people in the church don’t talk about. It is also a place for young people to be free, knowing we will not be judged.

I also like to have a Bible study with my sisters. This gives me an opportunity to minister to them and for them to minister to me. They can also ask me questions, which keeps me on my P’s and Q’s and forces me to spend more time in the scriptures. I suggest you find family and friends that you can study the word with. It will give you a different perspective of the Bible.


I’ve always loved to read, but once I started college reading became my least concern. After graduating from college, I found that I had more time to read and really put an effort to read more christ-centered books. I’ll have a post coming soon about my favorite Christian books and how they changed my life. Until then, make an effort to read books that give you a deeper understanding of God’s word. Ask your spiritual leaders, friends, and family about books they have read that helped increase their relationship with God and further expounded their understanding of the scriptures. These can be relationship books, books about prayer, books about fasting, books about leadership, etc. Just make sure you actually finish the book lol.

Anyways, I really hope these tips were helpful. Comment below things that you do outside of these 5 tips to help improve your relationship with God. We can always learn from each other. Have a blessed day family!

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  1. Grace Chekwa


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